• Showing 10–18 of 31 results

  • Echeveria Perle von Nurnberg is an evergreen succulent, It is a very popular hybrid succulent of Echeveria gibbiflora ‘Metalica’ and Echeveria elegans .
  • The hybrid was created by Richard Grassner in Germany during the 1930s. It is popular among plant lovers due to its unique two-toned, pink highlights and white powdery dusting appearance
  • Echeveria Pearlvon is a popular Hybrid and one of the most Beautiful of All Echeveria Plant.
  • It has pink flowers with yellow interiors that bloom in the summer. If there are dead leaves on PVN, it is best to remove them quickly, as they can attract pests
  • These Plants have moderate light needs. It can handle partial shade to full sun (gives best color) and should ideally get at least six hours of sun a day.
  • Echeveria ‘Perle von Nurnberg’ has typical watering needs for a succulent
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  • Echeveria shaviana ‘Truffles’ is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of fleshy upcurved purple-blue leaves with very crinkly edges.
  • Excellent for windowsill culture or for dish gardens.
  • The striking Flowers Are Pink and Yellow And Appear in Late Summer. Most Common Echeveria Species are not Complicated Succulents to Grow,
  • Be Careful Never to Let water sit in the Rosette as It can Cause Rot .
  • Additionally, Remove Dead Leaves From The Bottom of the Plant as it Grows
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  • The Echeveria Texensis Rosea Slow grower, do well with indirect sunlight and a total standout.
  • Easy to Care, and need only a little water and sunlight.
  • Indoor succulent plants should likely be watered approximately once a week. They need enough time to store the water in their leaves and for the soil to dry out between watering.
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  • The nerve plant, or Fittonia, is an eye-catching houseplant that is popular for use in hanging baskets, container gardens, and Terrariums.
  • Also known as red mosaic plants, red nerve plants are common foliage houseplants, meaning they are grown for the beauty of their leaves rather than for their flowers. The leaves are a deep Red color and are ovate-shaped, with striking, red-tinged veining that gives the plant its common name.
  • The leaves are about 4 inches long, while the plant itself usually has a maximum height of approximately half a foot.
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  • The nerve plant, or Fittonia, is an eye-catching houseplant that is popular for use in hanging baskets, container gardens, and Terrariums.
  • Also known as Green mosaic plants, Green nerve plants are common foliage houseplants, meaning they are grown for the beauty of their leaves rather than for their flowers. The leaves are a deep Green color and are ovate-shaped, with striking, White-tinged veining that gives the plant its common name
  • The leaves are about 4 inches long, while the plant itself usually has a maximum height of approximately half a foot.
  • Also called Nerve Plant, Mosaic Plant, Painted Net Leaf
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  • The aglaonema is a highly decorative plant & one of the most used interior landscape plant.
  • It is easiest of all houseplants to grow, with several interesting varieties. Aglaonema are evergreen perennial herbs with stems growing erect or decumbent and creeping
  • NASA Recommended air purifier plant.
  • Popular low maintenance plant.
  • Plant for AC rooms, office desk
  • Plant Will Be Given With Free plastic Pot
  • The rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is a popular ornamental plant from the Ficus genus.
  • The round leaves of the rubber plant are symbolic of wealth and financial growth in Vastu.
  • They can bring you a lot of commercial success and money when placed in the correct zone of your house.
  • They also absorb a lot of toxins in the air of your indoors and act as a natural air purifier.
  • Rubber plant is attractive, low maintenance plant, it also purifies the indoor air and perfect for plant beginners.
  • Plant Will Be Given With Free Plastic Pot
  • The ZZ Plant is characterized by its thick waxy green leaves. It is a great air purifying option that can tolerate low light, making it a perfect plant for beginners.
  • Light: Bright light is good but not essential. The zamioculcas zamiifolia grows fine with low levels of light, but it’s best to avoid direct sunlight.
  • Watering: Allow the soil to become dry at the top to the touch between watering and do not over water. It’s best to water this plant less than too much
  • Plant Will Be Given With free Plastic Pot
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