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  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for entire order
  • Achimenes species are known by many common names such as Magic Flowers, Widow’s Tears, Cupid’s Bowers, and Hot Water Plants.
  • Achimenes are related to the familiar Victorian favorites, African violets, and this variety exhibits similar coloring as some of these gems
  •  The pretty and charming Achimenes peach blossom is a periwinkle rose pink flower perfect for containers or hanging baskets.
  • Achimenes are very attractive pot plants, free flowering and are relatively easy to grow. The Achimenes peach blossom has rose pink flowers with frilly edges.
  • Artificial lighting can be used when natural light is not available.  When planting, use a humus-rich soil such as African violet mix and choose a site that is in an area of bright but indirect lighting.   Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for entire order
  • Achimenes mexicana is a beautiful and easy member of the Gesneriad family that grows from curious elongated scaly rhizomes.
  • It has gorgeous blue-purple flowers with a white throat. They are funnel-shaped and the colour is quite hard to capture photographically as in different lights they appear to oscillate between purple-blue and blue-purple.
  •  It should come as no surprise that this variety is a favorite among many for its high bloom count and solid, rich coloring. An excellent partner for white tuberous Begonias, these two create a gloriously contrasting display. Provide these easy growers with protection from the sun and regular water during active growth, and they’ll return the favor with months of bright blooms! Enjoy!
  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for entire order
  • This beautiful bloomer is grown mostly as a flowering houseplant in hanging baskets or mixed containers. As relatives of African Violets, Achimenes fancy more moderate conditions than most outdoor settings provide. They grow best in areas with light to partial shade or dappled sun.
  • Choose a spot where your Achimenes will receive light to moderate shade or dappled sun.
  • Select a container with at least one drainage hole and fill it with a good quality, well-draining soil. Almost any commercially available potting mix will do the trick.
  • Dig small holes and nestle the bulbs 3/4”–1” deep and 3”–4” apart. Don’t worry about which side is up, as they will happily grow from any position.
  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for Entire order.
  • Anemone flower can beautify every place with its simplicity and beautiful scent.
  • Anemone is perennial flowering plant that have basal leaves with long leaf-stems that can be upright or prostrate. Anemone flower is a plant that can be increasingly found in gardens and terraces. This beautiful flower can beautify every place with its simplicity and beautiful scent.
  • Besides being the most common gift to give to someone, flowers are also beautiful decoration and important ingredients of perfumes and many other things that make our lives more beautiful.
    Common Name Anemone or Windflowers
    Height Up to 2 to 3 feet
    Flower Colour Random color
    Bloom Time Spring
    Difficulty Level Easy to grow
  • Special Care For Anemone.
  • Before Planting : Deep The Bulb into Normal water during 30 Minutes to 45 Minutes.
  • Soil: Mix The normal Soil with 30% of Coco Peat & 20% of Vermi Compost ,
  • Planting : Bulb is already Medicine Treated , Plant the bulb in Pot One inch deep. There is no need of Water till Germination or a week.
  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for Entire order.
  • Anemone flower can beautify every place with its simplicity and beautiful scent.
  • Anemone is perennial flowering plant that have basal leaves with long leaf-stems that can be upright or prostrate. A scarlet beauty with shiny red petals and a black center that is set off by a white halo.
  • A great cut flower and an attractive companion for tulips and other spring bulbs.
  • Common Name Anemone or Windflowers
    Height Up to 2 to 3 feet
    Flower Colour Random color
    Bloom Time Spring
    Difficulty Level Easy to grow
  • Special Care For Anemone.
  • Before Planting : Deep The Bulb into Normal water during 30 Minutes to 45 Minutes.
  • Soil: Mix The normal Soil with 30% of Coco Peat & 20% of Vermi Compost ,
  • Planting : Bulb is already Medicine Treated , Plant the bulb in Pot One inch deep. There is no need of Water till Germination or a week.
  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for entire order
  • A wide range of colors and an alluring floral fragrance make freesia hard to resist. With up to eight trumpet-shaped, upward-pointing blossoms on leafless stems, freesias make delightful cut flowers that last a long time in the vase.
  • The freesia bulb plant is easy to force indoors on sunny windowsills. Learning how to grow freesias in the garden and freesia flower care will allow you to enjoy these beauties year after year.
  • Freesias bloom readily indoors. Plant the bulbs about 2 inches (5 cm.) apart in a pot filled with regular potting soil. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy, and place the pot in a sunny, preferably south-facing window. Expect flowers in 10 to 12 weeks.
  • Once the flowers and foliage die back, allow the pot to dry out and place it in a cool location until you are ready to bring them into bloom again.
  • Water well through the growing season but cut back during flowering time. Stop watering altogether once the foliage dies down and dries up. Do not over water because it will cause the corms to rot.
  • Temperature: Keep Freesia refract plants in cool room with temperatures ranging between 16-18°C (60-65°F) and moderate humidity while they are growing and flowering. Blooms will last for weeks if kept at a maximum of 18°C (65°F). Freesia refract plants need a mild winter temperature of around 10°C (50°F).
  • Fertilizer: A liquid fertilizer can be applied as soon as the first growth appears above ground.
  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for entire order
  • Gladiolus is a genus of perennial cormous flowering plants in the iris family
  • Gladiolus is popularly known as the Sword Lilly due to its shape

    Planting Procedure

    • Planting time is October for plains and March-April for hills.
    • Dig a hole about 5 cm deep to sow the bulb.
    • Set the bulb in the hole, pointy end up, then cover with soil and press firmly
    • Space bulbs 6 to 8 inches apart
    • Following are the suggested compositions for bulb plantation: Garden soil + Compost + Perlite + Sand (2:2:1:1) or, Soil + Cocopeat + vermicompost (1:1:1)
  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for Entire order.
  • EXCELLENT CUT FLOWERS: These brilliant blooms are perfect for long-lasting cut flower displays
  • DIVERSE: Anemones bloom in a brilliant range of colors and forms.
  • EASY TO GROW: These bright flowers require little more than well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight to thrive.
  • BRED FOR SUCCESS: These beauties were bred for success in garden beds and patio pots, with earlier and more prolific blooms.
  • Special Care For Anemone.
  • Before Planting : Deep The Bulb into Normal water during 30 Minutes to 45 Minutes.
  • Soil: Mix The normal Soil with 30% of Coco Peat & 20% of Vermi Compost ,
  • Planting : Bulb is already Medicine Treated , Plant the bulb in Pot One inch deep. There is no need of Water till Germination or a week.
  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for Entire order.
  • 100% Imported and genuine product best quality flower bulbs
  • Native to South Africa, this star-shaped flower symbolizes ‘happiness’ in the flower language. Our Ixia Flower Bulbs produce scintillating blossoms with beautiful spots and patches in the middle.
  • Ixia is an exotic iris family member that creates bright flowers with contrasting spots and blotches. These South African natives thrive in the hot, dry climes of the southwest, but they may also be grown in other warm regions if planted beneath roof overhangs to keep water out while enabling the plants to get the full sun they need.
  • For the finest visual impact, Ixias should be planted in groupings, borders, or pots; they also make excellent cut flowers. Flower bulbs are hardy, easy-to-grow cookies, but they despise having their feet wet: a bulb that is ‘bathing’ in water will decay in no time. So stay away from damp soil at all costs.
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