Sale Add to cart Compare EtonGreen Balsam Mixed Color Flower Seeds (Pack of 2) ₹100.00 ₹70.00 Shipping charge ₹ 90 for Entire order. Planting And Care Watering should be done when Soil feels dry Balsam Double Mixed Color Care Propagate by seed – Balsam is a prolific self-sower After one season of growth, it generally reappears from self-sown seeds the next year After frost has passed, scatter seeds where desired, or sow seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last spring frost Do not cover the seeds with soil, as they need light to germinate Until the seeds germinate, cover the seed trays with clear plastic to maintain high humidity Water from below to prevent damping off Ornamental Use: Balsam plant is used as a hedge plant Culinary Use Leaves and young shoots – cooked Add to cart Compare