Kaempferia plant blooms the fragrant flowers. Its flower emerges straight from the ground, even before the leaves appear.
Kaempferia is a stemless plant producing a pseudo stem with 2 to 4 erect leaves from an underground rhizome that has small tuberous roots. Flowering stems are produced from the rhizome when the leaves are not present. Flowers resemble small orchids or African violets but have just three petals.
Water a plant when the soil feels dry to touch
Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering for the winter & rainy season
Try to water the plants in the morning around 8-10am
You should remove dead, infected or damaged plant parts and throw in the garbage collector
You should fertilize a plant mostly in the spring season, flower bud stage
Plant season is in monsoon or autumn season
Plant the bulb 3 inches deep and provide 3 to 4 inches of planting spacing
The pointy part should face up
Add some coarse sand or fine gravel to the soil to help improve the drainage Mulch the potting mix with organic material