• Showing 1–9 of 12 results

  • The Parlour Palm was popular with the Victorians and remains a firm favourite. An elegant plant, easy to look after, with excellent air purifying qualities. They are undemanding in terms of light, water, temperature, humidity and feed, making them perfect for those of us that like low-maintenance room-mates.
  • Chamaedorea elegans has bright green leaves on slender, arching stems. The leaves are pinnate, meaning it has feathered leaflets arranged on either side of the stem. With the Parlour Palm, these leaflets form opposite pairs and there can be as many as 40 leaflets on each leaf. Small yellow flowers appear on mature plants if they have sufficient light. Chamaedorea elegans also has the Latin name Neanthe bella. Its common names are Parlour Palm and Dwarf Mountain Palm.
  • Common Name : Parlor Palm, Neanthe bella palm Botanical Name : Chamaedorea elegans
  • Among all the palm trees, parlor palms are a great place to start for the beginner.
  • Plant Will Be Given With Free Plastic Pot
  • Bromeliad Plant are unusual houseplants perfect for adding a dash of color and texture to your spaces.
  • Earth Star Most commonly used in open or closed Terrariums & dish gardens as a centerpiece.
  • Bromeliad plant care is easy and requires no special tools or fertilizers
  • The plant is prized for its thick foliage that grows in a natural rosette. Near the end of its life, a bromeliad plant may produce an inflorescence, or flower. whose form and color vary widely among each variety. The wide leaves are sword shaped or scoop-like and grow around a central “cup.” This cup catches water in the plant’s habitat.
  • Plant will be given With Free Plastic Pot
  • The rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is a popular ornamental plant from the Ficus genus.
  • The round leaves of the rubber plant are symbolic of wealth and financial growth in Vastu.
  • They can bring you a lot of commercial success and money when placed in the correct zone of your house.
  • They also absorb a lot of toxins in the air of your indoors and act as a natural air purifier.
  • Rubber plant is attractive, low maintenance plant, it also purifies the indoor air and perfect for plant beginners.
  • Plant Will Be Given With Free Plastic Pot
  • Curry leaves have anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties that are extremely effective in maintaining good oral health.
  • Curry leaves are an essential element of Indian cooking style where numerous of the traditional and modern recipes are imperfect without curry leaves.
  • These are used as tasting agent in food for its different taste.
  • With dark green and glossy appearance, curry leaves have a strong flavour and release a tasty aroma when fried in hot oil.
  • Curry leaves are a rich source of iron and folic acid. Folic acid is mainly responsible for carrying and helping the body absorb iron, and since kadi patta is a rich source of both the compounds it is your one-stop natural remedy to beat anaemia.
  •  kadi patta help lower the blood sugar levels, but also keeps in check for a few days after the administration of curry leaves. Curry leaves help your blood sugar levels by affecting the insulin activity of the body and reduces ones blood sugar levels. Also the type and amount of fiber contained within the leaves play a significant role in lowering blood sugar levels. So, if you suffer from diabetes, kadi patta is the best natural method to keeping your blood sugar levels in check.


  • Philodendron Birkin a new, beautiful philodendron hybrid variety, and they make the perfect houseplant! They are compact, somewhat slow-growing, and relatively easy to care for.
  • Birkin are identified by their round, deep green leaves with mildly pointed tips and vivid white pinstripes and variegation. No two leaves are the same, and thanks to the plump, thick, bright stems, they are always prominently on display.
  • Philodendron actually means “tree lover” in Greek.
  • What makes Birkin such great house plants is that they grow slowly. You can pick a beautiful pot and chances are, you’ll never have to repot it. At the very least, you can go several years with the same pot.
  • Plant Will Be Given With Free Plastic Pot
  • An important thing to remember about Birkin is that direct sunlight is their worst enemy. It’s probably counter-intuitive since plants need sunlight to live, but too much of a good thing can be bad. Direct sunlight can burn and damage the leaves or dry out the plant. Birkin respond best to indirect or shaded sunlight.
  • The Philodendron Super Atom is a petite form of philodendron that produces glossy, green leaves with ruffled egdes
  • Philodendrons were part of NASA clean cir study and found effective in improving indoor air quality by removing formaldehyde.
  • Philodendron Super Atom is hardy, drought tolerant and a low maintenance air purifier houseplant which does not require to be fed or watered frequently and does exceedingly well in low light indoor conditions.
  • It has beautiful leaves with different shapes and shades, capable to clean several types of air borne pollutants. It is a air purifier plant
  • Latin Name : Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum ‘Super Atom’ syn. Philodendron bipinnatifidum ‘Super Atom’
  • Philodendron micans looks a lot like the typical heart-leaf philodendron
  • NASA studies show having plants in your home improves your mood, sparks creativity and reduces stress.
  • Clears the air of pollutants and Can be Placed Indoors or Outdoors.
  • In fact, the common name for the philodendron micans is the velvet leaf philodendron. The leaves have a greenish-purplish finish with a bit of a shimmer
  • In fact, the common name for the philodendron micans is the velvet leaf philodendron. The leaves have a greenish-purplish finish with a bit of a shimmer
  • Plant Will Be Given With Free Plastic Pot
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