
EtonGreen Live Mammillaria Prolifera Cactus Plant


  • Mammillaria Prolifera is a low-growing cactus that forms a clump of dark green, globose or cylindrical stems.
  • Mammillaria Prolifera is commonly known as the ‘Texas Nipple Cactus’.
  • Prolifera’ has cream to pinkish yellow flowers & yellow spines.
  • Plant Will Be Given With Free Plastic Pot

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Mammillaria prolifera is a low-growing cactus that forms a clump of dark green, globose or cylindrical stems. Mammillaria Prolifera is commonly known as the ‘Texas Nipple Cactus’. commonly branching to form colonies often 60 cm in diameter. The individual stems dark green, spherical, cylindric or club shaped to 9 cm high, 3-7 cm in diameter of soft texture. Tubercles are cylindrical to conic, about 8 mm long, spreading, without latex. Axils of tubercles have several long, hair-like bristles. Radial spines are 25-40, hair-like, often intergrading with the centrals, straight or twisted, white to yellow to brown, 3-12 mm long. Central spines are 5-12, needle-like, finely velvet-hairy, 4-9 mm long, much stouter than the radials, straight, white to yellow to reddish, with darker tips. Flowers are 1.0-1.8 cm long, borne in old axils but toward top of plant, small, yellowish white, cream or pinkish yellow. Inner tepals are erect, pale yellow, with brownish mid-rib, pointed; filaments pale rose-colored; anthers at first deflexed inward; style shorter than filaments; stigma-lobes 3, yellow. Fruits are scarlet, club shaped to cylindrical, somewhat curved, 1.5 to 2 cm long, crowned by persistent withering tepals.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 17.8 × 12.8 × 10.8 cm


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