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EtonGreen Crinium Red Flower Big Bulb (Set of 2 Bulbs)


  • Shipping charge ₹ 90 for entire order
  • Crinum lilies (Crinum spp.) are large, heat and moisture loving plants, producing an abundant array of showy flowers in summer.
  • This crinum typically blooms in July, with slender-petaled, fragrant white flower that is highlighted with long, wine red stamens. They are unusual, looking like nothing else in the garden. Crinum leaves are basal, typically long and strap-shaped.
  • Planting And Care

    • Protect from winter wet
    • Generally disease and pest free
    • In fall before the first frost, dig dry and store bulbs for winter in a cool, frost-free location in a medium such as peat or vermiculite that is given minimal moisture

    Crinum Lily Care

  • Plant 10 cm deep in any moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil
  • Bulbs should not sit in water, the soil should drain well
  • Plant the large bulbs in full sun or filtered light in early spring
  • Each bulb needs to be planted right side up
  • The more pointed end is considered the top
  • Plant each bulb in a hole that is just deep enough that its neck is protruding from the soil and the bottom of the bulb is covered in soil
  • Covering the entire bulb with soil and planting too deep discourages flowering
  • Space bulbs at least 8 inches apart and water the planting site or container well after planting

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Crinum Lily is an aquatic plant commonly seen on rocky, shallow river beds. It grows to 0.5-1 m tall, and can easily bloom under-water. Bulb is 5-8 cm, ovoid with 5-15 cm long cylindrical neck. Leaves are 6-8 in number, 2-3 ft long, about 3 cm wide, dark green in color. Flowers arise in an umbel of 6-12 atop a leafless scape, 40-75 cm tall. There are two lance-shaped white bracts, opening and fragrant at night. Flower tube is 6-8 cm, slender. Six petals are narrow, spreading, 6-8 cm long. The six stamens, 4-6 cm long, have red filaments. Crinum lilies (often misspelled “crinium”) are truly classic southern pass-along, summer-flowering sun-loving perennial bulbs. Crinum lily cultivars have thrived for hundreds of years at abandoned home sites where other bulbs like daffodils have long ago turned up their toes. Crinums are extremely adaptable amaryllids. either in dry or in boggy soils. Crinums are tough, low maintenance bulbs which make them perfect for rain gardens, and although drought-tolerant, crinums bloom more if well-watered. Think of crinum bulbs as a horticultural IRA for your grandkids to remember you by. Unfortunately, you don’t often see a wide variety of crinum lilies for sale. We currently grow over 200 different crinum selections and evaluate them to decide which to offer. The giant clumps of bold, crinum lily foliage make an imposing architectural statement in the garden. In late spring and summer, crinum lily clumps are topped with an array of very large red-to-pink-to-white flowers…often fragrant. We like to grow crinum alongside agave, dahlia, malvaviscus, and a variety of ornamental grasses. Most crinums are very tolerant of rich, moist soils, and reach flowering size very quickly when given those garden conditions in full sun. A few people call crinum the spider lily. Note that there is more than one plant that goes by the name spider lily. In addition to Crinum, Hymenocallis is also called white spider lily,

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 17.8 × 12.8 × 10.8 cm


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