these beautiful perennials resemble philodendrons in many ways. Several types of Pothos cultivars have been marketed. This includes the beautiful Epipremnum Pothos ‘NJoy’ with its unique capitalization. The cultivar originates from the Marble Queen Pothos. Its name is spelled ‘NJoy’ but has numerous variations. The alternate botanical name is Epipremnum aureum ‘ N-Joy. Pothos can grow to 50′ feet or more in the wild, but NJoy is far more compact. NJoy reaches a height of 6″ to 9″ inches and can trail or climb up to 10′ feet. The trailing stems of heart shaped leaves will root when they come into contact with soil. ‘NJoy’ has intense green color with cream to yellow variegation. It has smaller leaves than most pothos plants. The amount of variegation changes depending on the amount of light. Plants grown in darker conditions fade to straight green. Brighter conditions produce more prominent variegated leaves.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 25 cm


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